The Annas Cahyadi Public Accounting Firm is a public accounting firm established in 2015 based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 664/KM.1/2015 dated 11 August 2015. The Annas Cahyadi Public Accounting Firm was established to provide extensive audit, accounting and consulting services to various entities such as private companies, state/regional owned companies, non-profit organizations, and governments.
Tips and methods to save money effectively.
Affordable rates compared to others.
Assistance and help available around the clock.
Since being founded in 2015 until now, we have provided services to hundreds of entities, both private and government. We also have complete licensing documents issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency, PTSP DKI Jakarta, and the Directorate General of Taxes.
JL. Fachrudin Raya No. 5
Jakarta Pusat
DKI Jakarta 10250
Kantor Akuntan Publik Annas Cahyadi menyediakan jasa audit, akuntansi dan konsultasi secara luas terhadap berbagai entitas seperti perusahaan swasta, perusahaan milik negara/daerah, organisasi nirlaba, maupun pemerintah.
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